What does Recycled Mean?


Recycled Materials Defintion:

Material that has been processed from reclaimed materials by means of a manufacturing process and made into a final product or into a component for incorporation into a product.


Reclaimed Material.

Materials that would have otherwise been disposed of as waste or used for energy recovery, but has instead been collected and reclaimed as a material input, in lieu of primary material, for a recycling process. Reclaimed materials are either Pre-Consumer Materials or Post-Consumer Materials.

  • Pre-Consumer Materials: Materials diverted from the waste stream during the manufacturing process.


  • Post-Consumer Materials: Materials generated by households or by commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities in their role as end-users of the product, that can no longer be used for its intended purpose


By using 100% recycled materials, we eliminate using the earths scarce resources which are required during the growth and maintaince of crops. Instead, we stop materials from going into landfill where they take hundrends of years to decompose, leading to air, water and soil pollution which affects our people, planet and animals. If all businesses used only 100% recycled materials, there would be no textile waste.



Why Recycled Cotton?

According to the World Resources Institute, it takes 2,700 liters of water to make one cotton shirt and double for organic cotton. With the amount of resources and time that goes into cotton production, it would be a waste to let it go to landfill when we can recycle it into a new garment, giving it a new life. 


Why Recycled Polyester?

By using recycled polyester, it means that the raw material comes from single-use objects like Plastic Water Bottles. This reduces the amount of plastic ending up in the ocean and landfill. 



Why do we blend Recycled Cotton & Recycled Polyester?

When cotton is shredded down, the fibres are much shorter than when they were new, making them harder to spin. Resulting in a weaker yarn. By combining it with polyetser, which is a synthetic, increases the strength and durability of the yarn.



1. Collection of post-consumer single use plastics


1. Collection of Pre & Post consumer textile waste/offcuts


2. Melting down plastic bottles


2. Breaking down textiles


3. Blend materials together


4. Spin Fibres into a yarn


5. Knit yarns into a fabric


6. The result